Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Never did I think the name, Ann Coulter, would appear in my blog. *gags* This right winged freak who masturbates to pics of Reagan *allegedly* has finally given me a reason to smile.

Can I just say how incredibly funny that she is allegedly being accused of plagiarism? I have to say something. After all, (and I quote - take notes Ann, this is how you properly do it), "as Coulter told us we should believe about Bill Clinton (in her first "book"), seemingly minor transgressions point to larger patterns of deception."

So maybe these accusations seem like little discrepancies but she's the one who pointed it out in the first place that she must be hiding something much more sinister under that dirty butt ugly, I mean, brown hair of hers.

Good luck Ann, I'm sure your fingers didn't mean to type THAT many words in the same fashion as that 1993 Digest.


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