Tuesday, April 07, 2009

*waves* Here I am...

Alright, so I took 2 months off the blog. Why you ask? My answer: I have no idea. I've had SOOO many things to write about. There was make your own pizza and Repo! night, Valentines day, Alix got sick, my birthday, then I got sick, rugrat softball, big kid softball, a lot of video gaming, work is slowed down, upcoming artsy stuff, Courtney gets a Mid Life Crisis er... I mean Jeep, Bouncy Ball Liberation, Alix is sick again and a whole lot of other stuff. So here we go.

Well I'm sitting here at work with nothing to do, day 7. Oh yeah, you read that right, I've had no work for 7 days. I know people like these low gas prices but truth be told, that's my job. I'm not saying I want it at $3.65. Not even a little, all I ask is $2.49 that's enough to keep steady work and not so hard on the consumer. I'll also be the first to say that oil companies are doing fine, the problem there is they aren't skyrocketing like they got adjusted to. So instead of $3.5 billion in excess, they may only pull in $1.7 million. Oh damn, how ever will they make it?

I can ramble oil for awhile but that's not what I really want to talk about. I've been in a weird kind of funk too. I guess I didn't want to sit at this screen and write because I was afraid of what I'd write or how it would come out. I don't want a pitty party but this is MY way of getting things out and I don't necessarily need a "fix" per say just somewhere to get my feelings out. So I decided to keep them in and that hasn't gone so well. Not at all. So I'm back.

We're getting more creative with food. I'm in the process of making it a little more healthy. This may take some time, as I do know a good amount of dishes that are well rounded, I really need to expand my selection. We do enjoy making pizza's with whole wheat dough. Although the night Courtney came to hang out we used store bought, ready made crusts. That was a fun night, we watched Repo! The Genetic Opera. LOVE IT! It's weird, it's different, it's a lot of singing and it makes you want to sing instead of talk. Definitely not one for the kiddies, it's crass, very bloody but still funny. You'd have to watch it to know what I'm talking about.

On the Happy Heart Day. It was kinda funny, we thought we'd be funny and slick and go for a late lunch instead of trying to fight the masses for dinner. We pulled in around 3:30pm and it was full but we didn't think it was that bad. Basically, our late lunch turned into dinner. We were seated a little before 5:pm. It was super good though. YAY FOR US :) and Olive Garden, mmm breadsticks.

With it being only 2 weeks till my birthday my parents offered to pay for Alix to get into Disneyland, a hotel and such for my birthday present. YAY!!! I've been wanting to go for awhile and Alix has never been to Disney California. Small problem, Alix got sick. Guess it was bound to happen, everyone is sick and she works in retail. If people would just stay home when they were sick, it would really keep the epidemics of colds down to a minimum. So it took her a few weeks and a nasty cough but she got all better.

The nice thing about having all that time off, my body thought it was my turn to get sick. I just got a little head cold for 2 days and took a long weekend to get all better. I stayed on the couch and played a lot of Animal Crossing. Then... as I was better, Alix caught it again... she's still recovering but it's definitely not as bad as the last one. I think someone needs some vitamins.

My birthday was pretty low key. We went out to dinner and our very good friend Patty was able to join us at Outback after dropping off some meds for her job. :) Patty is an amazing and sweet girl. She is the Reapers Right Hand Girl and that may sound dark but she helps put the dying at ease and that takes a remarkable kind of person... this is our Patty.

Another friend of ours has decided to take on the task of coaching. Now my idea of coaching is much different than most. I put my heart and soul in it. I still breath it, there is no denying that. She is taking on a new beast... 8 year olds lol If you've never coached little ones, do it. You'll know really fast if you were truly ever suppose to be a coach or not. Kids keep it real, they keep it simple and above all, they are honest. The best part? They L-I-S-T-E-N. After coaching high school girls, that is a huge deal. I enjoy the rugrats, especially the twins. They don't have a lick of talent but they are learning (getting better) and they give it their all and I love that!

Since Lex has moved here, she has been adjusting slowly and quite well. She dives right in with me with whatever venture I have ahead of me. She talks about how she misses softball and wishes she could play. An opportunity arrose and she got on a team :) I'm glad she likes it so much and for the first time ever, I'm sitting on the sidelines rooting for her. No competition, just good ol' "for the love of the game" softball. It's great :)

Animal Crossing is a HUGE staple in our lives. Who knew one could get so obsessed with such a simple (but not really) game. I can kill 5 hours on that game just rearraning flowers and making patterns alone. We keep meeting more and more cool ass people. On an interesting sidebar: the amount of liberal Animal Crossing people out there is amazing and very comforting. This is more a kid/family type game and "sometimes" people can be... well, not so liberal. 'nuff said.

So I've upped the antie on my art. I got really lazy... about everything, not just art. I grabbed some pieces to recycle into art for a Green Arts Show. I've recruited my HB and we've got a booth at a show called Divine Fusion this weekend and I want to enter some pieces in a "Roots" show in 2 weeks. Alright, that may seem a little ambitious but it's completely doable. I'll actually post pics as I finish pieces and in process shots. Actually I can do that later, I have some befores of the spider web infested table for the green arts show. Yummy.

Courtney. I love her dearly. She is awesome! And apparently is having a Mid-Lesbian Crisis. It's cute really. Her silver jeep. It has the big chuncky tires and is simply great. The Patty even loves it and apparently likes to steal it on occasion :) A couple Fridays okay, my HB asked if we could borrow said Jeep for a little bouncy ball liberation. What is that you ask? WHAT?! You don't know the joy of bouncy ball liberation? Well you get x amount of people (more is better), grab a huge ass bag or two of bouncy balls and head out. Well with an open top jeep or sun roof is best. Drive down the road and launch away. Targets are fun, you have to figure out wind and speed but it all goes with the challenge. I enjoy aiming for hotel pools personally. Or the back of trucks with open beds. Lex & Denise enjoyed patios full of people drinking but everyone has something :) So after about 2 hours of that around midnight, we called it a night. Oddly enough, 2 days later is when Lex got sick again :(

So that's the super condenesed soup version. I know I left out some other cool stuff but you get the idea. I WILL keep up this time. Sorry readers :)

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