Monday, August 11, 2008

You handed me an Olive Branch but I wanted a Forest.

Hours later, things are put into a completely different perspective. There is some major truth behind the sayings take some time before you say what's on your mind (at the time) because things said in haste can NOT be taken back. Nor are they forgotten. We all have our times of selfishness. We may not realize it at the time but it is what it is and when you get to a point where you can reflect at yourself and say, "wow, I just made that completely about me and that really wasn't the point at all." Own it, say your sorry and you can probably say you are growing in a good direction. When you stop blaming people around you, stop dwelling on what others are doing, with true, deep, heart felt intentions of being a better person, this is when you can feel better about yourself as a person. The rest will naturally fall into place within a short time. I guess the major problem is like most everything else in life, we want results now, we want it fixed yesterday, we just want it better with as little work as possible. But are you really going to value it if it's just handed to you? *food for thought*

Last night I took a very generous, heartfelt gesture and turned it into something it wasn't. Maybe I was tired or maybe I was just being selfish... I'm weighing heavily toward the latter of the two. The point is, sometimes when something is presented to you try not to overanalyize what was just handed to you but go with it. Welcome what it is, a geniune offer on a compromise that is a step toward things falling into place. Otherwise, you may find that the short time it could take to help things along just gets further and further away and the olive branch is burned into a pile of ashes.

Thank you for my Olive Branch, I promise not to disregard it in such a manner again.

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