Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sleepy and Dopey.

You may be thinking of 2 of the 7 dwarves. Actually, I'm describing myself. I pretty much have the same problem daily. I'm sleepy. So logically you might think: "wow, she should go to bed earlier." You would be correct. However, being the dope that I am, I tend to stay up just as late, if not later, trying to get so very many things accomplished.

Usually by Thursday night, I'm going to bed by 10:00pm, which I know some of you wince at but that really is early for me. Then Friday comes. Oh the Friday. I end up staying up till 1 or 2 in the morning, sleep till 9:00am, assuming I don't have to be somewhere early, find some time to take a nap in the afternoon and stay up just as late Saturday night. So by Sunday night, I'm completely set up to fail at going to bed early because I'm wide awake at 10:00pm.

Someday I'll figure it out, for now, I'm having fun with all the things in my life :)

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