Tuesday, May 15, 2007

R.I.P. Office Chair

My work chair has died. It may just look like a broken arm but it's oh so much more. This is the 3rd set of bolts to fall out. I'm not sure where the other 2 came from but nothing fell off when those came out. Kinda scary really. I went to sit down and I put my hand on it and it just flew to the ground. I've been here 5.5 years and so has that chair, so I guess it really was time for a new one. It's ripped, full of dirt, has some spots of oil and well it's falling apart, literally.

Services will be today at 11:00am by the dumpster.
"It served my butt well for years but it's time for it to roll on to the great office in the sky."

It will be sorely missed.

Sidebar: Kiss Totten was enjoying his last tumble on my chair.

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