Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pancakes with diced ham. Who?

So it's one of THOSE days. Let me let you enter here. <-- Since my day is that weird, good luck with that sentence. Let us venture back to a time on the clock that shows 3:45am. This is a time on the clock that I might see going to bed or sitting at my computer I think, "okay, it's almost 4:00am, I should probably get something to drink and head to bed soon." This is NOT, let me repeat, NOT, a time I like/enjoy/need/want to be woke up by the neighbors barking dog. This would be morning 2 now. She's done it on occasion but that's it. This is nuts. I will be speaking with said owner this evening.

So with lack of sleep on my side, heed my warning, stay the f*@# out of my way today people. I'm trying to put myself in mellow mode. This would be a switch from angry bitchy girl who'll throw a punch because you're shirt is ugly and in my line of sight. Brings us up to speed to breakfast.

I make my way to the local Shell station, I'm like Norm from Cheers in there. Everyone's nice and they always have what I need. Till Today. I go in to make a withdrawl from the ATM and order some food, then grab some bottled starbucks and corn nuts. Corn nuts for whatever reason, keep me awake and I like them. However, this is not an Ode to Corn Nuts so I will move on.

ATM is Temporarily Out of Service. I have to smile at this, really I do. So I walk up to cashier girl and ask if they do cash back on ATM buys, she says "No, sorry, we're not there yet." So no money, no food, no bottled Starbucks. I now am sure this is a test of wills and I have to figure out how to out-smart the day.

So I drag my sad little self out and decide to go to John's. Not as wonderful but a great backup. I pull in and order an omelette and some pancakes. Pancakes sounded really good. I think it was more about the syrup but ordering sides of syrup is truly strange. Anyway, I get back to the office and open up my pancakes and start pouring syrup all over them and dig in. Bite one, kinda cold and not very tasty at all. Bite 2, really not much better. Why am I still eating these? Bite 3, okay what the hell is in my mouth. *Graphic Scene* I spit out Bite 3 because some foreign texture was in mouth. Low and behold: a diced piece of ham. Alright, closed said container and threw those away. Now I'm left with a want for pancakes. This blows.

So this is my morning by 10:00am.

How's your day going?

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