Thursday, November 10, 2011

Came from No Where

"I gave you a piece of my heart and you handed it back broken and damaged.  It's so mangled, in fact, it's unrecognizable.  I can only tell what it is because it is a part of me, a part that I thought you loved. It may look like something that came from a garbage disposal but it's a piece of me.  One day someone will fix it.  Someone who really loves me.  Someone who will replace all of these shattered, broken and damaged pieces that I gave with such hope and so freely. Sadly, love lost and they were thrown back... until you.  You never asked for a piece of my heart.  You just came in and began fixing all those mangled, torn, scorned, wounded and used pieces.  I never even knew someone like you existed.  I never knew someone like you walked among us.  I never have known someone like you."

~work in progress

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