Monday, July 06, 2009

No more chasing my pointer on my screen...

Oh my bestie friend Widget. I don't think I've loved a cat that much ever... he was awesome. He rode every where with me, we went to visit mom at work. He went to the store, called me out at Michael's if he thought I was over spending on art supplies. The coolest though, he came to work with me everyday. He was going to be my shop cat. He loved the lab and enjoyed running on the ramps under the cabinets, stealing naps in my drawers, sprawling out on my desk or attacking my monitor since things were taunting him across my screen.

Alix took him in this AM to get fixed and they ran the part 2 of his Feline Leukemia test which came back positive again... as hard as it was to say, I had to put him down. I will not watch another cat go through what my childhood cat went through. I didn't know better back then, I thought keeping him alive on meds was okay, I didn't realize the internal pain and suffering he was going through.

I seem to find the lost, the hopeless and the chronically ill ones. In the end I know that I gave them a home and love that most people would not. I have to live with the notion that the little time he lived on this Earth, he had a fun, rompy stompy life and even though he was just 5 months old, he was happy. It most certainly doesn't make saying goodbye any easier... not even a teeny bit.

Thanks Widget for being my bestie friend... I miss you so much.

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