Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Moving along...

So I turned my phone off yesterday. I didn't want to talk to anyone but Alix. I didn't want to open my mouth as anything that would come out meant nothing because my Widget was gone. I guess I didn't realize just how much I depend on that little guy during the day. He greets me when I get back from lunch or running errands. He lets me know when it's time to drink some water. Hell, when I went to the restroom before we left for home at the end of the day (I hate getting stuck in traffic and having to pee) he went too! The past 2 weeks even found him knowing to run back up on the desk and into his carrier because he knew it was time to go. I found that most amazing, he really was quite brilliant.

So last night when I ate some popcorn, Polly came over to ask for a piece. She isn't normally my popcorn buddy. Widget loved him some popcorn. Anyway, Polly came over and took a piece and walked off. It was kinda funny, she walked around the bed, then behind me where she decided she was good to eat it. She chomped on it like kittens do and always makes me giggle and then it happened. I looked down the hall waiting for Widget to hear it and come flying in on my lap. That's when I realized he'd never do that again...

I cried so hard that my tears came out of Alix's eyes...

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