Sunday, November 26, 2006

A nice new home. Very plain, very neat, very safe... or is it?

Just a normal flower bed, the most evil of things are the weeds but somewhere underneath lie something. Everything changes at night - EVERYTHING.

This is some of what I did to our house at Halloween. I truly had the best time and could have used 2 more days as I still had A LOT more decorations. We had many people and kids who enjoyed the house and we picked our kids that we thought were okay to scare. As they ran away screaming, we could also hear them laughing. Erin had a blast standing near the door, very still, very quiet, watching and waiting. We had many a child who was almost too afraid to even walk up to the house. However, the good parents said, if you want to continue trick-or-treating, you WILL go up to that house. So very slowly, they would look in as many directions as fast as their head would allow and head to the door. Then happily they would run down the driveway saying how "COOOLL" everything was. Basically, that made my heart sing. I had some of the best comments and I enjoyed every one of them.

Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do. I can't look at them enough. Throughout the month we had many parties to attend, all of which, I made Halloween themed food. These are just a few of the things I made.

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