Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Miscellaneous Everything

Been away awhile. As most know, mom is watching me from above now. I know I'll never recover from this. I just won't, how can I? You just learn to live in a new world, with a whole new life with one person you never wanted to live without. She loved me unconditionally... she gave me life and now we no longer walk on the same plain anymore...

Baking has taken a huge halt and brings more pain than happiness. I will work through this... hopefully... some day.

Music is still my life raft, most days it's what I listen to while I sail downstream in my own tears.

Helping a friend with her Bottle Cap Business which is sorta our Bottle Cap Business because I don't have enough going on. I'm getting a handle on the 3 of our businesses though because I'm ready to work from home. Creating from my own hand, I like what I do and I like how happy people get from things I craft. Hopefully, in a couple years this will be all we do. Just need to build a nice, sturdy foundation first.

So I'm just starting here. I can't go backwards, it hurts way too much. Just going to start here and move forward. Slowly.

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