"Uneven balance of strength and peace"
photo by Teri Webb
I like to write. I've taken a few classes but dabble mostly on my own time. My mind is either going to help me get it down correctly or it's not. I can't force it and usually what comes out pleases me. One of my personal favs for writing exercises is to take a pic and write about it. Poem, story, some dialogue, whatever is inspired. My Tee took this pic and I have an affliction for things of a darker nature. I couldn't help but notice how much more darke there was in this photo than light, so here is how that came to be...
The sky faeries were quite busy today prepping the sky for the night yet to come. The thought being the reflections of the sunset would place some fantastic pinks, oranges and reds on the clouds. Of course, the sky sprites had other ideas, looming, darke ideas. The faeries love to start at the top or mid sky and work their way down. The notion being that if they begin their work upwards then toward the ground, once they finish, they can lay in the grass or the trees and admire their work.
Madalyne gathered her friends and off they went, wands in hands, transforming the sky with swashes of white, like a paint roller, leaving bits of blue to peak through. The faeries were in great form tonight, leaving stair looking clouds, bridges, of course cloud animals for those creative enough to take the time and find them and so many great splashes of white it was hard to decide which way to look. They finished up and napped in the trees with the wind swaying them to sleep while they waited for the decent of the sun.
Emily grabbed her friends and so began the counter to Madalyne & the other faeries hard work. Working upwards, the sprites took their wands and like giant erasures, started covering and masking the white clouds. The time they had to undo all that had been done is short and covering up everything isn't their prime motive. They just like to add some extra flair. The thought being that not everything is so pretty and rosy all the time, nothing wrong with a little darke to shadow the light. A few extra strokes into the white and they were done. Now they fly to the sides to watch the faeries reaction as they awake from their nap.
Natalye noticed it first and screamed, awaking all the other faeries.
"THEY did it AGAIN, Madalyne!" she screeched as she noticed her duckie had been covered up with a darke grey blob.
"Natalye, we know they do this almost everyday. You know that this is the bidding of the sprites and that we must enjoy the act of what we do and not the actual outcome when the sun finally kisses whatever is left of our work, that is only ever a bonus and should not be counted upon to give us self satisfaction." Madalyne said with the most gentleness a voice could offer.
Natalye is still very new and takes the bidding of the sprites so very personal but deep inside she knew Madalyne was right and let a little smile creep across her face. Madalyne is so good at soothing her. The faeries gathered around watching as the hues of the sunset start to bounce and touch what was left. The sprites watched from afar, scowling at the ease of the attitudes from the faeries.
"Nothing bothers them and if it does, that Madalyne always fixes it!" One of the sprites growled.
"Do not worry, Madalyne won't be around forever... there will come a time when the faeries will give up and the skies will sing only of darkeness and grey clouds. For now, we carry on waiting for our moment," said Emily in a low, raspy voice.
Emily was more right then she knew at that moment, Madalyne's time as Head Goddess of the Faeries would soon come to an end...