Wednesday, May 12, 2010

17 hours of Work; Awake for 40.5 hours total

With all the happenings with my mom and her extended stay at the hospital, I missed a lot of work in March and April.  Then I decided to get sick and missed some days for that as well.  Lack of drive and a few weeks later and I was severely behind at work.  A lot of patience from my bosses which is nice but for my sanity I really needed to get caught up and back on a  good, solid schedule.  Enter my decision for Monday night.  I decided to come in around 8 or 9:pm and work till midnight or 1:am.  I'm usually up that late anyway, why the hell not?

So got here around 9, got set up and laid some stuff out.  I put everything down on a dry erase board which really put it into perspective and also put a really big "I'm fucked" face on for me.  20 tasks ahead of me, so with my best Super Mario voice, "Here we GO!"

Somewhere about 2:30am I decided I was wide ass awake and on a roll.  I still had a TON to do, I think I only had like 6 tasks knocked off my list at that point.  I was finishing up my 3rd energy drink and decided I should go get some food and more energy drinks if I planned on making it an all nighter.  Jack n the Box and AM/PM rock is all I have to say.  I was workin' along but around 4:30am I got pretty tired, so I napped for about 20ish minutes, woke up and decided to clean out some stuff to help wake me up.  Totally worked.  Same thing happened around 7:am. but by this time I had 12 tasks knocked off my board.

I kept working along and decided billing would have to wait because I was in no way in a good mindset to be working with thousands of cash monies.  I just had to wait for a couple special samples to come in and then I was outta here.  So I worked Monday from 7:30am to 4:30pm, then 9:pm (Monday night) till 2:30pm Tuesday.  I had such a piece of mind walking out of work, it was awesome!

I headed toward home and decided I wanted to tan and take a mini nap.  So I did, slept right through the whole thing and for 10 minutes after it turned off, I might have been tired.  LOL  I headed home and felt a lot better.  I decided to make some seafood enchiladas and mini oreo cheesecakes for a friend.  Yes, I know I'm crazy but being in the kitchen is such a comfort for me and makes me so smiley face.

Finished that up, cleaned up my mess and sat in the office trying to figure out what to do next.  I played around online for a bit and couldn't stop thinking about cameras.  My dad called and mom is doing mega worlds better now that she's sleeping *HUGE SMILES*  YAY MOMMA!

Finally took a shower with my new scrubs (super soothing btw) and relaxed into my p.j.'s.  Trying and trying to get tired.  I felt really relaxed but I couldn't stop reading specs on the D90, D3000 and D5000.  My dad gave me the "all clear" to get which ever one I wanted.  Decided to crawl into bed about 10:30 and watch TV.  Closed my eyes, opened my eyes, closed my eyes... this went on for awhile but I think around midnight I finally got into a spot and fell a sleep.  I woke up stiff and with one helluva headache!  Can you say caffeine hangover?  I knew you could... fuck me sideways that hurt...

So I'm finally better at work, time to do some food prep and get my gym schedule set back up again.  I'm ready for some normalacy again.  

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