Thursday, April 22, 2010


So I did one of the hardest things I've ever had to do this morning.  I told the truth.  I had a conversation with a great friend last night, she reminded me of a value I had most certainly lost.  She did it without even realizing she did it, that was the beauty of it actually.  I went home and did a lot of thinking.  I woke up doing more and decided I wanted to keep my value in tact.

Turns out, I'm walking a lot lighter now.  Even with all the other stuff I have going on with my mom.  As darke as I've felt lately, as low as my life has been... I really feel better now.  I don't know where I'm going from here but I know that I can move upward now, FINALLY.  Forward and with a clean conscious.  I've laid out a new path for myself and I'm looking forward to what ever it brings, tough or easy.  It's going to be okay, I really believe that today and it feels nice.


Kimmy said...

So proud of you!

Kimmy said...

I thought this was Teri's blog...someone It jumped to yours. But I'm proud of you too! :)