Saturday, April 03, 2010

Compliment from a Stranger

So I've been letting my soul speak out for the past couple of weeks.  At a time in my life where things are very uncertain and unsettling, I figure I need an outlet.  Unfortunately, I have some set backs going on with gym, so that isn't an option for me right now.  That really saddens me because it made me so happy not that long ago but now it serves as a painful reminder of things that are going on in my life.  I'll have to deal that when the time presents itself.

I'm inspired by simple things.  I like the way that sounds but more importantly I like the way it feels.  I wrote a status update on Facebook last Friday:

My ah-ha moment. I walk out of the garage each morning and as the door opens I'm revealed my day. I see blue skies on occasion, sometimes they are kissed with fluffy white clouds. Other days they are branded by looming grey ones. Sometimes the wind kisses my cheek but no matter what I see, a wondrous thing happens to me; it immediately releases an emotion inspiring me to write. Darke or not... I must embrace it.

I didn't think much of it when I wrote it. It was exactly what I wanted it to be; what I was feeling at the time. Moments later the little 'pop' from Facebook chat came across my speakers. I toggled over to find a window from a new add, someone I do not know but befriended me because of common interests and friends we share. He said: Okay, you don't really know me, but I gotta tell you your post was quite lyrical! & Do you write as part of your job? My reply: "I do not actually. I wish I did." To which he finished with: You're good at it. Food for thought.

I have to say that was pretty dang awesome. It made my day and I can't help but wonder what it would be like to write more and with such a purpose. Thank you RB for your kind words, they really did make an impression. I'm curious as to how I'll proceed with this new found feeling.

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