Words have meanings. Words put together in sentences have impacts. Words with inflection can put a lifetime of hurt to someone... especially when said in the heat of the moment.
I can't and won't undermine how someone feels. I understand hurt and anger all too well. I also hold, all too closely, words that have been thrown at me in the heat of a moment. Painful, spiteful, angry words...
The effect words have is amazing. So damaging, they can't be taken back, no matter how much you try.
Reflecting on the words, as they really set in days later, well that is when the hurt sets in.
It's tough to put those filters on when emotions on sitting right on the edge just waiting to jump off and be heard. There is a way to counter this, well at least a little. One. Simple. Word. Communication.
The foundation of any good relationship, the key to knowing how to help or fix things going on with the other person. Holding it in, keeping it to yourself and "dealing" with it on your own or letting it pass, doesn't work. It just doesn't, well not at least for me.
When anger is held in, multiple things start to happen. Counter part can feel something is wrong but if nothing is ever said... the growing apart begins. Little 'shots' start to be taken. Uttering words loud enough to be heard and thrown at someone are just not right. This is not how you communicate your feelings. This is what happens when you give up. Laying on guilt does nothing but keep driving that wedge and serve as a reminder of the bookshelf of things that have been ignored.
Pain is life and boy am I sitting in the ultimate pit of life right now...
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